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Blue Maritime Lunch seminars - showcasing our ongoing projects and new opportunities

Throughout the spring, we will host a series of three Blue Maritime Lunches at our Blue Innovation Arena, where we will showcase the maritime projects in which we and our partners are involved.

Blue Maritime Cluster

We collaborate with our cluster companies to conduct and finance studies. This involves participation in numerous national and European-funded research and innovation projects, ranging from smaller regional projects to multi-million European Projects. Our primary objective is to enhance the competence and competitiveness of our cluster companies by introducing new networks and knowledge.

Our dedicated EU advisors and business developers bring unique skills to projects. We also offer state-of-the-art Business Process Management workshops in our Blue Innovation Arena.

Stay up to date on our projects by following our channels and joining our upcoming Blue Maritime Lunch series.

Blue Maritime Lunch No1: 

"Energy saving and infrastructure"


GCE Blue Maritime Cluster

An introduction to the project work being done in  

SINTEF Ålesund – Mapping of main Energy Consumers in vessels.  

SINTEF Ålesund has conducted a pre-study to identify the main energy consumption of vessels in the cluster.

 NTNU – Refuel 

We launched a research project in 2023 with NTNU and eight other industrial collaborators. The project has a budget frame of 12 MNOK and aims to understand the design of the national maritime infrastructure required to accommodate the new types of fuels and increased electrification.

Kystverket - MarU In 2023, the Norwegian Coastal Administration developed the AIS-based emission model MarU (Maritime Emissions), which can estimate emissions from maritime traffic to air and sea. The first run of MarU provided new calculated emission figures for greenhouse gases and air pollution from vessels in Norwegian coastal and ocean areas in 2022 and 2023. Thanks to a new ship traffic model, emissions are allocated to individual voyages for domestic and international shipping.

 More information and registration here


Blue Maritime Lunch No. 2: 

"Maritime Export"


NTNU – Ethic Resilience 

The fragility of the world order has been exposed by recent events like the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, causing devastating effects for some companies.

 NTNU has initiated a study to explore how companies can be made more resilient to cope with sudden shifts in the future.


GCE Blue Maritime Cluster: Export increase of 50 % and the challenges with exports through a third country.   

Funded by Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune, we conducted a study this year to determine how cluster companies are related to the national goal of a 50% increase in exports by 2030.

In addition, we have examined the challenges of exporting through a third country and its implications for the industry.

ÅKP – GCE Blue Maritime Cluster - Maritime Export Scale-up program 

This winter, we launched the Maritime Export Scale-up program aiming to help six small and medium-sized maritime companies expand into new export markets and increase their exports.


 More information and registration here


Blue Maritime Lunch No. 3: 

Topic to be decided

 More information and registration here

All events are free for members of GCE Blue Maritime Cluster

Non members: 500 NOK/person 

Become a member: Here