The ocean – An infinite resource
According to OECD’s forecasts, the world population will increase from the present 7 billion to 9 billion by 2050. Meanwhile more and more people are being released from poverty. Consequently, the need for food, energy and minerals is growing rapidly. How the world will ensure sufficient access to these scarce resources in a sustainable way is the biggest challenge of our time. This challenge is not helped by climate changes making food production on land more demanding, and that the climatic challenges require purer forms of energy.
The Blue Ocean Space
Blue Maritime Cluster is certain that many of the answers to these challenges lie out ‘in the blue’. Seventy percent of the earth’s surface is covered by sea, eighty percent of which is deeper than 3000 metres and 90 percent of the ocean remains unexplored. There is no doubt that ‘the blue’ is the future’s most important resource reservoir. We must therefore use all our maritime and marine skills built up over generations to uncover the secrets of the seabed.
Blue Maritime Cluster’s ambition is to become a global hub for the safe and sustainable commercialisation of advanced technology and operations at sea. We are certain that our pioneering spirit, our unique experience-based skills and our culture for entrepreneurship make us well placed to create pure food, energy and minerals from ‘the blue sea’. In this way, we will contribute knowledge and help commercially exploit the ocean in a safe and sustainable way, for the future growth business in Norway! This will create values and employment and will lay the foundations for future prosperity and welfare.
- Be Norway's central hub for commercial and sustainable 'blue' activities.
- Contribute to make 'the blue' Norway's new growth industry.
- Seize and exploit new 'blue' opportunities through high innovation rate.
- Be the leading hub of 'blue' knowledge and innovation.
- Be the most attractive cluster for establishing 'blue' operations.
- Be the most interesting cluster to work in – for 'blue' experts and talents.